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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool node. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Node.jsĀ® is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.

List of commands for node:

  • node:application:run This command runs a Node.js project by executing the entry file specified in the project.
    $ node ${entry-file}
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  • node:tldr:01bac node: Activate inspector, pausing execution until a debugger is connected once source code is fully parsed.
    $ node --no-lazy --inspect-brk ${filename}
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  • node:tldr:11602 node: Evaluate JavaScript code by passing it as an argument.
    $ node -e "${code}"
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  • node:tldr:36c45 node: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
    $ node
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  • node:tldr:a6fc1 node: Evaluate and print the result, useful to print node's dependencies versions.
    $ node -p "process.versions"
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  • node:tldr:bb1ac node: Execute the specified file restarting the process when an imported file is changed (requires Node.js version 18.11+).
    $ node --watch ${filename}
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tool overview