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nodemon: Manually restart nodemon (note nodemon must already be active for this to work).
$ rs
try on your machine

The command "rs" does not have a specific and universal meaning in all contexts. It could be related to various commands or software applications depending on the context in which it is used.

Some possible interpretations of "rs" could include:

  1. "rsync" command: "rsync" is a commonly used Unix tool for efficiently synchronizing and transferring files between different locations. The "rs" command might be a shorthand or alias for the complete "rsync" command, allowing for shorter and more convenient usage.

  2. "Redis Server": Redis is a popular in-memory data structure store and key-value database. In this case, "rs" might refer to the command used to start, stop, or manage the Redis server.

  3. Short for "reboot system": In certain systems or software, "rs" might be a shorthand for the command used to reboot or restart the system.

  4. Context-dependent software: Depending on the software or program you are using, "rs" could be an abbreviation specific to that particular software, carrying a different meaning than those mentioned above.

To provide a more accurate explanation of the "rs" command, additional details or context would be required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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