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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rs. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The rs command line tool, also known as "rsync," is a powerful file transfer and synchronization program. It is widely used in Unix-based systems to efficiently copy files between local and remote locations.

One key feature of rsync is its ability to transfer only the differences between the source and destination files, reducing the bandwidth needed for file synchronization. This makes it an ideal choice for syncing large files or directories over networks with limited capacity.

Rsync supports various protocols for transferring files, including SSH, RSH, and the rsync protocol itself. It also provides options for encryption and authentication, ensuring secure data transfer.

Another notable feature is rsync's ability to resume interrupted transfers, allowing it to pick up where it left off if a connection is lost or the process is stopped. This saves time and bandwidth in scenarios where large file transfers need to be resumed.

Rsync supports numerous command line options, offering flexibility and fine-grained control over the synchronization process. Users can specify options for preserving timestamps, permissions, and ownership of files, among other attributes.

The tool also provides a dry-run option, allowing users to preview the files that will be copied or synchronized without actually performing the operation. This is particularly useful for verifying sync operations before executing them.

Rsync is highly efficient in handling large datasets and can handle both local and remote file transfers with ease. Its incremental transfer algorithm and compression capabilities contribute to its efficiency.

The tool can be used to create backups by syncing files from a source location to a backup destination. Regular backups can be scheduled using cron jobs or other scheduling mechanisms, making rsync a popular choice for automated backup solutions.

Rsync can be used in combination with other tools, such as SSH and SSH keys, to set up secure and automated file transfers. It is also commonly used in deployment pipelines to synchronize code and resources between development, staging, and production environments.

Overall, rsync is a versatile and efficient command line tool that simplifies file synchronization and transfer tasks. Its flexibility, speed, and ability to optimize network usage make it an essential tool in many Unix-based environments.

List of commands for rs:

  • nodemon:tldr:3a2d7 nodemon: Manually restart nodemon (note nodemon must already be active for this to work).
    $ rs
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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