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notify-send: Show a notification with an app's icon and name.
$ notify-send "${Test}" --icon=${google-chrome} --app-name="${Google Chrome}"
try on your machine

This is a command that displays a desktop notification on Linux systems using the notify-send command. Let's break down the different parts of the command:

  • ${Test}: This is a variable that represents the content of the notification message. The actual value of this variable is not specified here; it would be determined elsewhere in the script or command that includes this line.

  • --icon=${google-chrome}: This option specifies the icon to be displayed in the notification. It uses another variable, ${google-chrome}, to determine the icon. Again, the actual value of this variable is not specified here, and it would be defined elsewhere.

  • --app-name="${Google Chrome}": This option sets the name of the application associated with the notification. It uses another variable, ${Google Chrome}, to determine the name. As with the previous variables, the actual value of ${Google Chrome} is not specified here, and it would be defined elsewhere.

Overall, this command is used to display a notification with a specific message, icon, and application name. The details of the message, icon, and application name are determined by the values of variables defined elsewhere in the script or command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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