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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool notify-send. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Notify-send is a command-line tool used in Linux-based operating systems to display desktop notifications. It sends a notification message to the desktop environment's notification system, which then displays the message as a pop-up notification on the user's screen.

It is typically used to provide users with important information or alerts about system events, applications, or scripts. The tool supports various options, allowing users to customize the appearance and behavior of notifications.

Notify-send can display notifications with a title, a message, and an optional icon. Users can define the urgency level of the notification, such as low, normal, or critical, which determines the alert style and priority level.

It also supports specifying the timeout duration for the notification, after which it automatically disappears. Users can use scripting languages like Bash to dynamically generate the content of the notification.

Notify-send can be integrated into other scripts or applications, enabling them to send notifications to the desktop. This makes it a useful tool for system administrators, developers, and anyone who wishes to provide timely updates to users.

It works with popular desktop environments like GNOME, KDE, and Unity, which have their own notification daemons that handle the display of notifications.

Notify-send is a part of the libnotify library, which provides a standardized API to create and display notifications in Linux applications. This ensures compatibility and consistent behavior across different desktop environments.

Overall, notify-send simplifies the process of generating and displaying desktop notifications in Linux, allowing users to stay informed and interact with important system events easily.

List of commands for notify-send:

  • dunstify:tldr:0a443 dunstify: To see other possible options.
    $ notify-send --help
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  • notify-send:tldr:239e6 notify-send: Show a notification with the title "Test" and the content "This is a test".
    $ notify-send "${Test}" "${This is a test}"
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  • notify-send:tldr:49e93 notify-send: Show a notification for 5 seconds.
    $ notify-send -t 5000 "${Test}" "${This is a test}"
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  • notify-send:tldr:5b709 notify-send: Show a notification with a custom icon.
    $ notify-send -i ${icon-png} "${Test}" "${This is a test}"
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  • notify-send:tldr:e98b2 notify-send: Show a notification with an app's icon and name.
    $ notify-send "${Test}" --icon=${google-chrome} --app-name="${Google Chrome}"
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