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notmuch: Remove a tag for all messages matching a search term.
$ notmuch tag -${custom_tag} "${search_term}"
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The command "notmuch tag -${custom_tag} "${search_term}" " is used to tag emails using the notmuch email indexer and search tool.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. The "notmuch" command is the main command used to interact with the notmuch tool.
  2. "tag" is a subcommand of notmuch used to apply or remove tags from emails.
  3. "-${custom_tag}" is an argument used to specify the custom tag that will be applied to the emails. The "${custom_tag}" is a placeholder that represents a variable that should be replaced with the actual tag name when executing the command.
    • "-" before the custom tag signifies that the tag should be applied to the emails. Using "+" instead of "-" would remove the specified tag.
  4. "${search_term}" is also an argument that represents the search term or query used to select the emails to which the tag will be applied. Again, it's a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual search term when running the command.

Overall, the command is used to apply or remove a custom tag to/from emails matching a specific search term using the notmuch tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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