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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool notmuch. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Notmuch is a command line tool for email indexing, searching, and tagging. It is designed to provide fast and efficient email management. It uses a simple and intuitive command line interface for performing various operations on email data.

Notmuch is primarily focused on handling large email collections, making it suitable for users with huge email archives. It uses an offline approach, which means that it does not require a constant internet connection to work.

One of the key features of Notmuch is its ability to quickly search through emails using various criteria, such as sender, recipient, subject, date, or even keywords within the email body. It also supports advanced search queries and regular expressions for more complex searches.

Notmuch allows users to tag emails for better organization. It provides a flexible and customizable tagging system, allowing users to create and manage tags according to their preferences. Tags can be assigned to emails individually or in bulk.

Another notable feature of Notmuch is its integration with other email clients and tools. It provides libraries and APIs, enabling developers to build applications and plugins that can interact with Notmuch for email-related tasks.

Notmuch supports various mailbox formats, including Maildir, MH, and mbox, making it compatible with different email setups. It allows for easy importing and exporting of emails between mailboxes.

Notmuch also offers a plethora of configuration options, allowing users to tailor its behavior according to their needs. It supports customization of search indexing, threading algorithms, user interface settings, and more.

Regarding security, Notmuch does not directly handle encryption or authentication. However, it can work seamlessly with other tools, such as GnuPG, to provide end-to-end encryption and secure communication.

Notmuch is an open-source project licensed under the GNU General Public License. It has an active community of contributors, ensuring continuous development and improvement. It is available for various Unix-like systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD.

Overall, Notmuch is a powerful and flexible command line tool for email management that excels at handling large email collections, searching emails efficiently, and providing customization options for a personalized experience.

List of commands for notmuch:

  • notmuch:tldr:2cd94 notmuch: Create a reply template for a set of messages.
    $ notmuch reply --format=${select} --reply-to=${select1} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:35b36 notmuch: Remove a tag for all messages matching a search term.
    $ notmuch tag -${custom_tag} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:5e6c1 notmuch: Count messages matching the given search term.
    $ notmuch count --output=${select} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:bf445 notmuch: Add a tag for all messages matching a search term.
    $ notmuch tag +${custom_tag} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:d7da2 notmuch: Limit the number of search results to X.
    $ notmuch search --format=${select} --output=${select1} --limit=${X} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:ee35d notmuch: Search for messages matching the given search term.
    $ notmuch search --format=${select} --output=${select1} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:fda5f notmuch: Configure for first use.
    $ notmuch setup
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tool overview