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npm-query: Find all Git dependencies and print which application requires them.
$ npm query ":type(git)" | jq 'map(.name)' | xargs -I {} npm why {}
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Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. npm query ":type(git)": This command uses npm to query for all packages of a specific type, in this case, packages that are hosted on Git repositories.

  2. |: This vertical bar (pipe character) is used to take the output from the previous command and pass it as input to the next command.

  3. jq 'map(.name)': The output from the previous command is piped into jq, a tool used for parsing and manipulating JSON data. The map(.name) part tells jq to extract only the name field from each object in the JSON response.

  4. |: Again, this pipe character is used to pass the output to the next command.

  5. xargs -I {} npm why {}: xargs is a command that reads items from standard input and executes a command using those items as arguments. -I {} specifies a placeholder {} that will be replaced with each line of input received. In this case, each package name is passed as an argument to npm why, which is a command to display information about why a package is installed.

So, the overall purpose of the command is to query npm for all Git-hosted packages, extract their names, and then use npm why to find out why each package is installed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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