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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool npm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


npm is the world's largest software registry. Open source developers from every continent use npm to share and borrow packages, and many organizations use npm to manage private development as well.

Articles in our magazine for npm:

Exploring the Nuxt Command Line

Using the command line is often faster and more effective. Event when using frontend frameworks like nuxt. Here are the most important commands.

List of commands for npm:

  • cypress:install Install Cypress (e2e testing tool)
    $ npm install cypress --save-dev
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  • npm-fund:tldr:14222 npm-fund: List dependencies with a funding URL for a specific [w]orkspace for the project in the current directory.
    $ npm fund -w ${workspace}
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  • npm-fund:tldr:28f02 npm-fund: List dependencies with funding URL for the project in the current directory.
    $ npm fund
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  • npm-fund:tldr:c6bf7 npm-fund: Open the funding URL for a specific package in the default web browser.
    $ npm fund ${package}
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  • npm-query:tldr:03071 npm-query: Print all direct production/development dependencies.
    $ npm query ':root > .${select}'
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  • npm-query:tldr:14133 npm-query: Find all dependencies with postinstall scripts and uninstall them.
    $ npm query ":attr(scripts, [postinstall])" | jq 'map(.name) | join("\n")' -r | xargs -I {} npm uninstall {}
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  • npm-query:tldr:2644d npm-query: Find all Git dependencies and print which application requires them.
    $ npm query ":type(git)" | jq 'map(.name)' | xargs -I {} npm why {}
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  • npm-query:tldr:768cb npm-query: Print dependencies with a specific name.
    $ npm query '#${package_name}'
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  • npm-query:tldr:809a4 npm-query: Print dependencies with a specific name and within a semantic versioning range.
    $ npm query #${package_name}@${semantic_version}
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  • npm-query:tldr:b69a8 npm-query: Print direct dependencies.
    $ npm query ':root > *'
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  • npm-query:tldr:e987c npm-query: Print dependencies which have no dependencies.
    $ npm query ':empty'
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  • npm:init Interactively create a `package.json` file.
    $ npm init
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  • npm:module:global:remove-all Remove all global npm modules
    $ npm ls -gp --depth=0 | awk -F/ '/node_modules/ && !/\/npm$/ {print $NF}' | xargs npm -g rm
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  • npm:module:local:remove Uninstall a local NPM package
    $ npm uninstall ${name}
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  • npm:modules:install:global List all globally installed NPM packages
    $ npm list -g --depth=0
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  • npm:package:version Find version of an installed npm package
    $ npm list ${package_name}
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  • npm:packages:tree Print a tree of locally installed dependencies.
    $ npm list
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  • npm:run:dev Run a npm based application in development mode.
    $ npm run dev
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  • npm:test:run Execute tests in an npm managed application
    $ npm test
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  • npm:tldr:42a3b npm: Download a specific version of a package and add it to the list of dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ npm install ${module_name}@${version}
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  • npm:tldr:84f19 npm: Download a package and add it to the list of dev dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ npm install ${module_name} --save-dev
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  • npm:tldr:a8430 npm: Download a package and install it globally.
    $ npm install --global ${module_name}
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  • npm:tldr:adbd7 npm: List top-level globally installed modules.
    $ npm list --global --depth=${0}
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  • npm:tldr:d5311 npm: Download all the packages listed as dependencies in package.json.
    $ npm install
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  • npm:warp:0ef24 Update NPM to the latest version
    $ npm update -g npm
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  • npm:warp:213fc Update each dependency in package.json to the latest version (NPM)
    $ npm i -g npm-check-updates
    $ ncu -u
    $ npm install
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  • npm:warp:cd2b6 Install npm package from GitHub directly
    $ npm install ${repo}#${branch}
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  • nuxt:build Build a nuxt project.
    $ npm run build
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  • nuxt:server:start Start the production server and serve the built application
    $ npm start
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  • nuxt:static:generate Generate a static version of your nuxt application
    $ npm run generate
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  • vite:tldr:f642f vite: Setup using `npm` 6.x.
    $ npm create vite@latest my-react-app --template react-ts
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  • yarn:upgrade:latest Upgrade Yarn to latest version
    $ npm install --global yarn
    $ npm upgrade --global yarn
    try on your machine
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