npm-query: Print dependencies with a specific name and within a semantic versioning range.
$ npm query #${package_name}@${semantic_version}
try on your machine
This command is using the npm (Node Package Manager) tool to query information about a specific package. It follows the syntax:
npm query #${package_name}@${semantic_version}
Here is a breakdown of each part:
npm query
: This is the command to interact with the npm tool and perform a query operation.#${package_name}
: This is a placeholder for the name of the package you want to query. You should replace${package_name}
with the actual name of the package.@${semantic_version}
: This is another placeholder for the specific version of the package you are interested in. You should replace${semantic_version}
with the actual semantic version (e.g.,1.2.3
) or a specific version range (e.g.,^1.0.0
to match any version greater than or equal to1.0.0
By executing this command with the relevant package name and version, you will get information about the specified package, such as its version details, dependencies, and other metadata.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.