npm: Download a package and add it to the list of dev dependencies in `package.json`.
$ npm install ${module_name} --save-dev
try on your machine
This command is meant to be executed in the terminal using the Node Package Manager (npm). It installs a particular module or package into your Node.js project and saves it as a development dependency.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
npm install
: This is the command to install packages in your Node.js project using npm.${module_name}
: This is a placeholder for the name of the module or package that you want to install. Replace it with the actual name of the module you want to install.--save-dev
: This is an option that tells npm to save the installed module as a development dependency. Development dependencies are not required for running the project in a production environment, but they are necessary for development purposes such as running tests, compiling code, or automated tasks. The--save-dev
flag updates the package.json file with the installed module as a devDependency.
So when you execute npm install ${module_name} --save-dev
, npm will download and install the specified module as a development dependency in your project, and it will also update your package.json file to include the dependency under the devDependencies key.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.