Update NPM to the latest version
$ npm update -g npm
try on your machine
The command npm update -g npm
is used to update the globally installed npm (Node Package Manager) to its latest version.
Here is a breakdown of the command:
is the command for running the npm program.update
is the command to update a particular package or packages.-g
stands for global and is used to update globally installed packages rather than the local ones. Global packages are those installed and available throughout the system, which can be accessed from any directory.npm
(mentioned after the update command) is the package name to be updated. In this case, it refers to npm itself.
So, by running this command, you are asking npm to check if a new version of itself is available, and if so, update it to the latest version globally.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.