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nth: Decode hash in Base64 before naming it.
$ nth -t ${NWY0ZGNjM2I1YWE3NjVkNjFkODMyN2RlYjg4MmNmOTkK} -b64
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This command appears to be using the "nth" command line tool with the following options:

  • -t ${NWY0ZGNjM2I1YWE3NjVkNjFkODMyN2RlYjg4MmNmOTkK}: This option specifies a token or string of characters. In this case, the token is indicated with ${} syntax, which suggests that it might be a variable. However, without knowing the context or the value being assigned to this variable, it is difficult to determine its specific purpose.

  • -b64: This option likely indicates that the input data provided in the token is encoded in base64 format. The "nth" tool will decode the base64-encoded data to its original form.

Overall, this command seems to be using the "nth" tool to decode base64-encoded data. However, without more information about the purpose and context of this command, it is difficult to provide a more detailed explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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