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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nth. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "nth" is a utility program designed to extract or display the nth element from a list. It is commonly used for manipulating text or data by selecting specific items.

With "nth," you can easily specify the position of the element you want to extract, whether it's the first, second, third, or any other position within the list.

The tool is efficient and lightweight, making it suitable for simple tasks or even complex data processing. It supports various input formats, including text files, CSV files, or simply piping output from other commands.

You can use "nth" to retrieve specific lines from a file, columns from a spreadsheet, or fields from a structured dataset.

The command syntax is straightforward, typically requiring you to specify the position and the file or input source.

In addition to extraction, "nth" also provides options for counting the occurrences of elements within a list or filtering elements based on specific conditions.

It is a versatile tool that can be integrated into scripts or used standalone, depending on your requirements.

"Nth" is compatible with different operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, ensuring its widespread usability.

The output generated by "nth" can be redirected to a file, piped to another command for further processing, or displayed on the shell prompt.

Overall, "nth" simplifies data manipulation tasks by allowing you to easily extract specific elements from a list or dataset, making it a valuable command line tool for any developer or data analyst.

List of commands for nth:

  • nth:tldr:20085 nth: Name hashes in a file.
    $ nth -f ${path-to-hashes}
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  • nth:tldr:57e4b nth: Output in json format.
    $ nth -t ${5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99} -g
    try on your machine
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  • nth:tldr:7caec nth: Decode hash in Base64 before naming it.
    $ nth -t ${NWY0ZGNjM2I1YWE3NjVkNjFkODMyN2RlYjg4MmNmOTkK} -b64
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  • nth:tldr:9bdac nth: Name a hash.
    $ nth -t ${5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99}
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