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nvm: List all remote Node.js versions.
$ nvm ls-remote
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The command "nvm ls-remote" is used with NVM (Node Version Manager) and it shows the list of available remote versions of Node.js.

When run in the terminal, "nvm ls-remote" queries the NVM remote server to retrieve a list of all available Node.js versions that can be installed. The command will display the available versions along with additional information, such as the version number, release date, and any LTS (Long Term Support) designation.

This command is useful for checking if there are any new or specific versions of Node.js available before installing or updating. It allows users to see all the available options and choose the desired version to install or switch to.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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