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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nvm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


nvm is a version manager for node.js, designed to be installed per-user, and invoked per-shell. nvm works on any POSIX-compliant shell (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash), in particular on these platforms: unix, macOS, and windows WSL.

List of commands for nvm:

  • node:install:version Install a given node js version.
    $ nvm install ${version}
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  • Use a specific version of Node.js in the current shell.
    $ nvm use ${node_version}
    try on your machine
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  • Uninstall a given Node.js version.
    $ nvm uninstall ${node_version}
    try on your machine
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  • List all available Node.js versions and highlight the default one.
    $ nvm list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvm:tldr:3f58e nvm: Launch the REPL of a specific version of Node.js.
    $ nvm run ${node_version} --version
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nvm:tldr:d01e1 nvm: Execute a script in a specific version of Node.js.
    $ nvm exec ${node_version} node ${app-js}
    try on your machine
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  • nvm:tldr:d503c nvm: Set the default Node.js version.
    $ nvm alias default ${node_version}
    try on your machine
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  • nvm:tldr:fc9e8 nvm: List all remote Node.js versions.
    $ nvm ls-remote
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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