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oc: Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform server.
$ oc login
try on your machine

The "oc login" command is used to authenticate and log in to an OpenShift cluster using the oc command-line interface.

OpenShift is a container platform that provides tools and infrastructure to deploy, manage, and scale applications. The oc CLI is a command-line tool used to interact with the OpenShift API and manage resources in an OpenShift cluster.

When you run the "oc login" command, it prompts you to enter the URL of an OpenShift cluster, usually in the form of https://. You also need to provide the necessary credentials, such as a username and password or an authentication token.

Once you provide the required information and successfully authenticate, the "oc login" command creates a session token that allows you to interact with the OpenShift cluster. This token is stored in your local environment, so you don't have to re-authenticate every time you use the "oc" CLI.

After logging in, you can use other "oc" commands to manage and deploy applications, create resources like pods, services, and routes, monitor cluster activity, and perform various administrative tasks within the OpenShift cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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