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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool oc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


OC is a command line tool used for managing and interacting with OpenShift clusters. It stands for OpenShift Client and is designed for system administrators and developers to simplify the deployment and management of applications on the OpenShift platform.

With OC, users can create, build, and deploy applications on OpenShift clusters through a terminal interface, without the need for graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It provides a comprehensive set of commands to interact with the various components of an OpenShift cluster, including projects, pods, services, routes, and more.

The tool supports multiple authentication methods, allowing users to authenticate using various credentials such as username-password, token-based authentication, or certificate-based authentication. It also offers multi-cluster management, enabling users to work with multiple OpenShift clusters simultaneously.

OC provides functionalities for monitoring applications, scaling them up or down, and managing resource consumption. It allows users to view logs, troubleshoot issues, and perform rolling updates to ensure continuous availability and performance optimization of applications running on the OpenShift platform.

Additionally, OC offers integration with source control systems, allowing users to deploy applications directly from source code repositories such as Git. It also facilitates collaboration among developers by enabling them to share and sync their changes with the OpenShift cluster.

Overall, OC is a powerful command line tool that streamlines OpenShift cluster management, application deployment, and monitoring, empowering administrators and developers to efficiently operate and maintain their OpenShift environments.

List of commands for oc:

  • oc:tldr:18c78 oc: Switch to an existing project.
    $ oc project ${project_name}
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  • oc:tldr:5583b oc: Log out from the current session.
    $ oc logout
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  • oc:tldr:93c1e oc: List pods in a project.
    $ oc get pods
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • oc:tldr:a9902 oc: Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform server.
    $ oc login
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  • oc:tldr:cd052 oc: Create a new project.
    $ oc new-project ${project_name}
    try on your machine
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  • oc:tldr:e85b0 oc: Add a new application to a project.
    $ oc new-app ${repo_url} --name ${application}
    try on your machine
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  • oc:tldr:f022d oc: Open a remote shell session to a container.
    $ oc rsh ${pod_name}
    try on your machine
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tool overview