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odps: Describe a partition.
$ desc ${table_name} partition (${partition_spec});
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This command is used to describe a partition of a table in a database. Here's a breakdown:

  • desc is short for "describe", which is a command used in databases to retrieve information about a table or its columns.
  • ${table_name} is a placeholder for the name of the table you want to describe. You need to replace it with the actual name of the table.
  • partition is a keyword that specifies that you want to describe a specific partition of the table.
  • (${partition_spec}) is the partition specification that identifies the specific partition you want to describe. It could include one or more columns and their values that define the partition.

By running this command, the database will provide information about the specified partition of the table, such as its columns, data types, and other properties.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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