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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool desc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"desc" is a command line tool that stands for "description" and is used to provide information or describe various components in a system. It is commonly used in software development environments to generate documentation about functions, classes, modules, or any other elements of code. The tool allows developers to add comments or detailed explanations to their code and then extract this information using the "desc" command. Users can enter the "desc" command followed by the specific component they want to describe. The output of the command typically includes the comments or descriptions associated with the specified component. "desc" is particularly useful for teams working collaboratively as it helps in maintaining and sharing knowledge about different code components. The command line tool can be easily integrated into various development environments and build systems. It is often used in conjunction with other tools like documentation generators or code analyzers. The output of the "desc" command can be customized based on the specific requirements of the project. Overall, "desc" improves code readability, assists in code comprehension, and promotes better communication among developers.

List of commands for desc:

  • odps-auth:tldr:30cb5 odps-auth: Describe authorities of a role.
    $ desc role ${role_name};
    try on your machine
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  • odps-inst:tldr:c3c42 odps-inst: Describe the details of an instance.
    $ desc instance ${instance_id};
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • odps:tldr:38729 odps: Describe a table.
    $ desc ${table_name};
    try on your machine
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  • odps:tldr:6e389 odps: Describe a partition.
    $ desc ${table_name} partition (${partition_spec});
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview