The command provided is using the "ogrmerge.py" script, which is part of the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) tools, to merge multiple shapefile (SHP) datasets into a single GeoJSON file. Let's break down the command:
"ogrmerge.py" - This is the name of the script that will be executed. It is used to merge vector datasets into a single file.
"-single" - This flag indicates that each layer from the input datasets will be merged into the output file as a separate feature collection.
"-f ${GeoJSON}" - This flag specifies the output file format, in this case, GeoJSON. The ${GeoJSON} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the desired output filename (e.g., "output.geojson").
"-o ${path-to-output-geojson}" - This flag specifies the path to the output GeoJSON file. The ${path-to-output-geojson} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual file path and name where the merged data will be saved.
"-src_layer_field_name country" - This flag is used to assign a field name "country" to each source layer. It will be added as an attribute to the merged features.
"${source_name}" - This is a placeholder representing the name of the source dataset. It needs to be replaced with the actual source dataset name or path.
"${path-to-input1-shp path-to-input2-shp}" - These are placeholders representing the paths to the input shapefiles that need to be merged. You should replace them with the actual paths to the shapefile datasets you want to merge. Separate multiple input shapefiles with a space.
In summary, the command merges multiple shapefile datasets into a single GeoJSON file and assigns the field name "country" to each source layer. Make sure to replace the placeholders with the appropriate values specific to your use case.