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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI. is a command line tool used in the GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) suite of tools. It is designed for merging multiple vector data sets into a single output data set. The tool is written in Python and utilizes the OGR library for data manipulation.

One of the primary uses of is to combine multiple shapefiles or other vector data formats into a single merged output file. It supports merging data sets with the same geometry type and attribute structure.

The tool offers various options to control the output format, including specifying a target data source format, selecting specific layers to merge, and preserving or modifying attribute fields during the merge process. can also perform overlay operations, such as union, intersection, or difference, on the input data sets. This allows users to generate new data sets based on spatial relationships between the input features.

It supports a range of output formats, including shapefile, GeoJSON, CSV, and more. Users can specify the output format using command line options.

The command line tool provides detailed feedback during the merging process, including progress updates and any encountered errors or warnings. is a powerful tool for handling large quantities of vector data and automating data processing tasks. It can be used in batch scripts or integrated into other GIS workflows.

Being a part of the GDAL suite, benefits from the extensive data format support and robustness offered by GDAL, ensuring compatibility with various spatial data formats.

The tool is open source, licensed under the X/MIT license, and is actively maintained and updated by the GDAL development community. is a versatile and reliable tool for merging, transforming, and manipulating vector data sets, making it a valuable asset for GIS professionals and data analysts.

List of commands for

  • Create a GeoPackage with a layer for each input Shapefile.
    $ -f ${GPKG} -o ${path-to-output-gpkg} ${path-to-input1-shp path-to-input2-shp ---}
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  • Concatenate two vector datasets and store source name of dataset in attribute 'source_name'.
    $ -single -f ${GeoJSON} -o ${path-to-output-geojson} -src_layer_field_name country ${source_name} ${path-to-input1-shp path-to-input2-shp ---}
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tool overview