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omf: List available themes.
$ omf theme
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The "omf theme" command is a command used in the Oh My Fish (OMF) framework for the Fish shell. It allows you to manage and switch between different themes for your Fish shell prompt.

Themes in Fish determine the appearance of your command prompt, including colors, fonts, and various styling options. Oh My Fish provides a collection of pre-made themes that you can easily apply and use.

When you run the "omf theme" command in your Fish shell, it opens a prompt or a list of available themes. You can then choose a desired theme by selecting its corresponding number or name and pressing Enter. Upon selection, Fish will automatically switch to the chosen theme, and your command prompt will be updated with the new look.

In summary, the "omf theme" command is used to manage and switch between different themes in the Oh My Fish framework, allowing you to customize the appearance of your Fish shell prompt.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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