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openvpn: Try to set up an insecure peer-to-peer tunnel on host.
$ sudo openvpn --remote ${alice-example-com} --dev ${tun1} --ifconfig ${10-4-0-1} ${10-4-0-2}
try on your machine

This is a command for starting an OpenVPN connection with specific configuration parameters.

  • sudo is used to execute the command with administrative privileges.
  • openvpn is the command for starting an OpenVPN connection.
  • --remote ${alice-example-com} specifies the remote host or server that the OpenVPN client will connect to. ${alice-example-com} suggests that it is a placeholder for the actual hostname or IP address of the remote server.
  • --dev ${tun1} specifies the name of the network interface that OpenVPN should use for the connection. ${tun1} suggests a placeholder for the actual name of the network interface.
  • --ifconfig ${10-4-0-1} ${10-4-0-2} sets the virtual IP addresses for the tunnel endpoints. ${10-4-0-1} and ${10-4-0-2} again suggest placeholders for the actual IP addresses.

Overall, this command is configuring and starting an OpenVPN connection, specifying the remote server, network interface, and IP addresses to be used. The exact values for the placeholders need to be replaced with the appropriate values for your specific setup.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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