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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool openvpn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


OpenVPN is an open-source command line tool used for creating secure virtual private networks (VPNs). It is a cross-platform application that works on various operating systems including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android.

The primary purpose of OpenVPN is to establish a secure connection between a client and a server over an untrusted network, such as the internet. It uses a combination of encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the VPN.

OpenVPN supports multiple encryption algorithms, including AES, Blowfish, and Camellia, providing a high level of security. It can operate in two modes: client-to-server and site-to-site, enabling different types of VPN configurations.

Configuration of OpenVPN is done through text files known as "config files," which specify various parameters such as server address, port, encryption settings, and certificates. These files can be customized to meet specific requirements.

OpenVPN can utilize both Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols for secure communication. It is often used with OpenSSL library for cryptographic functionality.

The tool provides options for compression, allowing efficient transmission of data, and supports dynamic IP addresses through advanced features like DNS resolution and DHCP allocation.

OpenVPN is highly extensible and can integrate with other authentication systems such as RSA SecureID and Active Directory for user authentication and authorization.

As an open-source project, OpenVPN benefits from a large community of developers, ensuring continuous improvement, bug fixes, and security enhancements.

Its command line interface allows advanced users to have fine-grained control over various aspects of the VPN, allowing extensive customization and automation.

OpenVPN is widely used by businesses, organizations, and individuals aiming to establish secure remote access, secure site-to-site connectivity, or bypass regional restrictions on the internet.

List of commands for openvpn:

  • openvpn:tldr:18370 openvpn: Try to set up a peer-to-peer tunnel on host with a static key.
    $ sudo openvpn --remote ${alice-example-com} --dev ${tun1} --ifconfig ${10-4-0-1} ${10-4-0-2} --secret ${path-to-key}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openvpn:tldr:52cc0 openvpn: Create a cryptographic key and save it to file.
    $ openvpn --genkey secret ${path-to-key}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openvpn:tldr:91f6f openvpn: Try to set up an insecure peer-to-peer tunnel on host.
    $ sudo openvpn --remote ${alice-example-com} --dev ${tun1} --ifconfig ${10-4-0-1} ${10-4-0-2}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • openvpn:tldr:c8987 openvpn: Connect to server using a config file.
    $ sudo openvpn ${path-to-client-conf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview