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osv-scanner: Scan multiple directories recursively.
$ osv-scanner -r ${directory1 directory2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "osv-scanner -r ${directory1 directory2 ---}" is likely referring to a specific software tool or script called "osv-scanner" that is used to scan directories and their subdirectories for specific purposes.

Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  • "osv-scanner": This is the name or executable file of the tool or script being used. It might have specific functionalities related to scanning or analyzing files, directories, or systems.

  • "-r": This is an option or flag used to instruct the osv-scanner to operate in a recursive manner. Recursive scanning means it will not only scan the top-level directory but also explore and scan all the subdirectories and their contents.

  • "${directory1 directory2 ---}": This part of the command represents the directories that need to be scanned. "directory1" and "directory2" are placeholders for actual directory names that you need to replace. If you have more directories to scan, you can continue adding them after directory2, separated by spaces.

For example, if you want to scan three directories named "docs," "images," and "code," the command would look like this:

osv-scanner -r docs images code

Note that the exact behavior and functionality of the osv-scanner may depend on the specific tool or script being used. It is advisable to consult the documentation or help resources of the osv-scanner for more accurate information on its usage and available options.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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