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pactl: Move sink-input 627 to sink 1.
$ pactl move-sink-input ${627} ${1}
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This command is used to move the audio output of a specific application (identified by the sink input number) from the current audio sink to a new audio sink.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • pactl is the PulseAudio control command-line tool used to manage audio settings in PulseAudio sound server on Linux systems.

  • move-sink-input is a pactl command that moves the audio output of a specific application to a new audio sink.

  • ${627} is the first parameter of the command within braces. It represents the original sink input number of the application you want to move. In this case, the application has a sink input number of 627.

  • ${1} is the second parameter of the command within braces. It represents the new audio sink number. It is usually represented by an index number. In this case, the new audio sink has a number of 1.

By executing this command, the audio output of the application represented by sink input number 627 will be moved from its current audio sink to the audio sink with number 1.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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