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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pactl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pactl is a command-line tool for controlling PulseAudio sound server on Linux systems. It is used to manage audio inputs, outputs, sinks, sources, modules, and clients. Pactl stands for PulseAudio Control, and it is part of the PulseAudio sound system architecture. It provides a simple and efficient way to manage audio settings and configurations. With pactl, users can control volume levels, set default sinks and sources, change playback and recording devices, and control various audio-related parameters. It allows users to list available sinks and sources and provides detailed information about them, such as their names, profiles, and supported formats. Users can use pactl to control audio playback and recording, by adjusting volume levels, enabling or disabling specific sources and sinks, and routing audio streams. It also supports the management of PulseAudio modules, which enable additional functionality like audio equalization, mixing, and filtering. Pactl can be used interactively with command-line options or in scripting scenarios for automation. Overall, pactl is a powerful tool that provides extensive control and configuration options for managing audio settings in a PulseAudio sound server environment.

List of commands for pactl:

  • pactl:tldr:0828f pactl: Move sink-input 627 to sink 1.
    $ pactl move-sink-input ${627} ${1}
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  • pactl:tldr:1bf99 pactl: Set the volume of sink 1 to 75%.
    $ pactl set-sink-volume ${1} ${0-75}
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  • pactl:tldr:9e5f6 pactl: Toggle mute on the default sink (using the special name `@DEFAULT_SINK@`).
    $ pactl set-sink-mute ${@DEFAULT_SINK@} toggle
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  • pactl:tldr:c333a pactl: Change the default sink (output) to 1 (the number can be retrieved via the `list` subcommand).
    $ pactl set-default-sink ${1}
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  • pactl:tldr:f6356 pactl: sinks are outputs and sink-inputs are active audio streams).
    $ pactl list ${sinks} short
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