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pageres: Capture a screenshot of a local file.
$ pageres ${local_file_path-html} ${1366x768}
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The command you provided is likely written in a specific scripting language or a command-line interface. However, based on the structure of the command, it appears to use the "pageres" tool or library to capture screenshots of a webpage.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. pageres: This is the command or function name, likely referring to a tool or library called "pageres." It is used to automate webpage screenshot captures.

  2. ${local_file_path-html}: This part represents a placeholder for a local file path in HTML format. You would need to replace ${local_file_path-html} with the actual file path and filename you wish to capture a screenshot of.

  3. ${1366x768}: This is another placeholder, indicating the desired dimensions of the screenshot. In this case, it suggests a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. You may need to replace this placeholder with your preferred dimensions.

So, overall, this command is likely used to take a screenshot of a local webpage file (specified by ${local_file_path-html}) at a particular resolution (specified by ${1366x768}). After replacing the placeholders with actual values, the command can be executed to generate the desired screenshot.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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