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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pageres. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pageres is a command-line tool designed to capture screenshots of websites using various viewport sizes. It provides a simple and efficient way to automate the process of taking multiple screenshots of a webpage simultaneously.

It supports various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it highly versatile and accessible. To use Pageres, you need to install Node.js on your system and then install the Pageres package using npm, the Node package manager.

You can specify the website URLs and desired viewport sizes in the command, and Pageres will automatically take screenshots in various resolutions and save them to your desired location. It supports both local and remote website URLs.

Pageres also provides a range of options such as customizing the output directory, setting delay time, hiding or showing scroll bars, and even emulating specific devices like iPhones or iPads.

The tool supports taking screenshots in various file formats, including PNG, JPG, and PDF, giving you flexibility in choosing the format that best suits your needs.

Pageres uses a headless browser called Puppeteer under the hood, which allows it to render website screenshots accurately, including dynamic content and JavaScript-based interactions.

It also supports parallel screenshot capturing, which significantly speeds up the process of capturing screenshots for multiple URLs simultaneously.

Pageres provides a clean and easy-to-use command-line interface, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

It is an open-source tool with an active community, which means you can find support, documentation, and additional features contributed by the community easily.

List of commands for pageres:

  • pageres:tldr:5ff8a pageres: Hide a specific element.
    $ pageres ${https:--example-com-} ${1366x768} --hide='${-page-header}'
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  • pageres:tldr:a276e pageres: Take multiple screenshots of multiple URLs at different resolutions.
    $ pageres ${https:--example-com-} ${https:--example2-com-} ${1366x768} ${1600x900}
    try on your machine
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  • pageres:tldr:b2195 pageres: Provide specific options for a URL, overriding global options.
    $ pageres [${https:--example-com-} ${1366x768} --no-crop] [${https:--example2-com-} ${1024x768}] --crop
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  • pageres:tldr:b5af1 pageres: Capture a specific element on a page.
    $ pageres ${https:--example-com-} ${1366x768} --selector='${-page-header}'
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  • pageres:tldr:ffe16 pageres: Capture a screenshot of a local file.
    $ pageres ${local_file_path-html} ${1366x768}
    try on your machine
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tool overview