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pandoc: List all supported input formats.
$ pandoc --list-input-formats
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The command "pandoc --list-input-formats" is a command-line instruction for the pandoc software.

Pandoc is a versatile document converter that allows you to convert files from one markup format to another. It supports various input and output formats.

When you run the command "pandoc --list-input-formats" in the terminal, it instructs pandoc to display a list of all the supported input formats. These input formats represent the different file types that pandoc can read and convert.

The output of this command will typically be a list of formats such as Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, DocBook, EPUB, etc. Each format represents a specific markup language or document format that you can use as the input source for pandoc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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