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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pandoc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pandoc is a versatile command line tool for converting documents from one format to another. It can convert documents between several markup formats, including Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, and more. Pandoc supports a wide range of document types, such as eBooks, academic papers, technical reports, and presentations. The tool's main strength lies in its ability to handle complex document structures and preserve elements like footnotes, tables, and citations during conversion. Pandoc offers a plethora of customization options, allowing users to modify the output format, style, and metadata of their documents. It can generate output in various formats such as PDF, DOCX, EPUB, and ODT, making it suitable for different publishing platforms and devices. Additionally, Pandoc supports the use of filters to transform documents further, enabling users to apply their own custom logic or third-party tools. The command line interface for Pandoc makes it suitable for automation, batch processing, and integration with other tools in a software development workflow. Pandoc is open-source software, which means it is freely available and actively maintained by a vibrant community of developers. It is compatible with major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

List of commands for pandoc:

  • pandoc:tldr:3aaf0 pandoc: List all supported output formats.
    $ pandoc --list-output-formats
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  • pandoc:tldr:74aff pandoc: Convert file to PDF (the output format is determined by file extension).
    $ pandoc ${input-md} -o ${output-pdf}
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  • pandoc:tldr:8a306 pandoc: List all supported input formats.
    $ pandoc --list-input-formats
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  • pandoc:tldr:9a808 pandoc: Force conversion to use a specific format.
    $ pandoc ${input-docx} --to ${gfm} -o ${output-md}
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  • pandoc:tldr:a8797 pandoc: Convert to a standalone file with the appropriate headers/footers (for LaTeX, HTML, etc.).
    $ pandoc ${input-md} -s -o ${output-tex}
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tool overview