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pandoc: Convert to a standalone file with the appropriate headers/footers (for LaTeX, HTML, etc.).
$ pandoc ${input-md} -s -o ${output-tex}
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The command pandoc is a lightweight tool used for converting between various document formats. In the given command:

pandoc ${input-md} -s -o ${output-tex}
  • ${input-md} refers to a placeholder for the input file in Markdown format. The actual file name or path should be provided here.
  • -s stands for "standalone" and specifies that output should be a standalone document with a header and footer, rather than a fragment.
  • -o ${output-tex} specifies the output file name or path for the converted document in TeX format. Again, you need to provide the desired file name or path using ${output-tex}.

Overall, this command leverages pandoc to convert a Markdown file (input-md) into a TeX file (output-tex) with a standalone document structure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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