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paperkey: Take the secret key data in `secret_data.txt` and combine it with the public key to reconstruct the secret key.
$ paperkey --pubring ${path-to-public_key-gpg} --secrets ${path-to-secret_data-txt} --output ${secret_key-gpg}
try on your machine

This command is using a tool called "paperkey" to extract the secret key from a GnuPG key pair and store it safely in a separate file. Here's a breakdown of the parameters:

  • paperkey: This is the command itself, which you are executing.
  • --pubring ${path-to-public_key-gpg}: This specifies the path to the public key file associated with the key pair. The public key file usually has a .gpg extension.
  • --secrets ${path-to-secret_data-txt}: This indicates the path to a text file that contains the encrypted secret key data. This file should typically have a .txt extension.
  • --output ${secret_key-gpg}: This determines the output path for the extracted secret key. The secret key will be stored in a separate file, typically with a .gpg extension.

The purpose of this command is to provide a more secure way of storing the secret key by separating it from the public key. The resulting file ${secret_key-gpg} will only contain the secret key, making it easier to protect and store securely, as compared to having the secret key and public key together in a single key pair file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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