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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool paperkey. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Paperkey is a command line tool that is primarily used for creating printable backups of OpenPGP (PGP) keys. It extracts the secret key information from the PGP keypair and converts it into a human-readable format. This tool is specifically designed for offline backups, ensuring that the keys are securely stored and recoverable even if the digital copy is lost or inaccessible.

By using Paperkey, users can generate a hard copy of their PGP keys on paper, making it easier to store them physically in a safe location. It allows users to maintain control over their encrypted communications and digital identity.

Paperkey supports various key types, including RSA, DSA, and ElGamal. It can export keys in ASCII armor format or in a binary representation, depending on the user's preference. This flexibility ensures compatibility with different PGP implementations.

In terms of security, Paperkey ensures that the generated paper backup does not contain any private key information that could be used to recreate the entire keypair. Instead, it provides the necessary details to regenerate the key material.

Users can also encrypt the paper backup with a passphrase for additional security. This encrypted backup can then be easily decrypted when needed, allowing users to import their PGP keys back into a digital format.

Paperkey is an open-source tool, licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which means it is free to use, modify, and distribute. As a command line tool, it is mainly used in terminal environments, making it popular among security-conscious individuals, privacy advocates, and cryptography enthusiasts.

List of commands for paperkey:

  • paperkey:tldr:8dcf8 paperkey: Take a specific secret key and generate a text file with the secret data.
    $ paperkey --secret-key ${path-to-secret_key-gpg} --output ${path-to-secret_data-txt}
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  • paperkey:tldr:f1be9 paperkey: Take the secret key data in `secret_data.txt` and combine it with the public key to reconstruct the secret key.
    $ paperkey --pubring ${path-to-public_key-gpg} --secrets ${path-to-secret_data-txt} --output ${secret_key-gpg}
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