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$ particle setup
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The command "particle setup" is a command line tool used in Particle devices and development environment. It is used to set up and configure a Particle device for communication with the Particle Cloud and to connect it to a Wi-Fi network.

When you run the "particle setup" command, it initiates a process for configuring your Particle device. It will prompt you to follow a series of steps to connect the device to the Particle Cloud. These steps may include tasks such as providing your Particle account credentials, selecting the device to set up, and connecting the device to a Wi-Fi network.

By running "particle setup", you can easily and conveniently configure your Particle device for seamless communication with the Particle Cloud and reliable connectivity to the internet via Wi-Fi.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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