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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool particle. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Particle is a command line tool for the Particle Platform, an IoT (Internet of Things) platform for building and managing connected devices. It is written in Ruby and allows developers to interact with the Particle platform through the command line interface (CLI).

With Particle, developers can easily manage and control their Particle devices, which include development boards like the Photon, Electron, and Argon. The tool provides a wide range of functionalities such as compiling and flashing firmware to devices, managing device functions and variables, and monitoring device logs in real-time.

Particle CLI also allows developers to create and manage Particle projects, which consist of code, libraries, and build configurations. It provides various project management features, such as creating a new project, adding or removing files, and setting up project dependencies.

Aside from device and project management, Particle CLI supports creating and managing Particle accounts, as well as handling authentication and security. Users can log in to their Particle accounts, set up authentication tokens, and manage access to their Particle devices and projects.

Particle CLI integrates with other developer tools and frameworks, enabling seamless integration with popular IDEs and text editors. It provides a set of command-line utilities that can be utilized in build scripts and automation workflows.

The tool is well-documented, with extensive documentation available on the Particle website. It also has an active community of developers, providing support and sharing knowledge through forums and online communities.

Particle CLI is a powerful tool that simplifies the development and management of Particle devices, allowing developers to build and deploy IoT applications more efficiently.

List of commands for particle:

  • particle:tldr:12452 particle: Execute a function on a device.
    $ particle call ${device_name} ${function_name} ${function_arguments}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:3a8c2 particle: Update a device to use a specific app remotely.
    $ particle flash ${device_name} ${path-to-program-bin}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:41812 particle: Compile a Particle project.
    $ particle compile ${device_type} ${path-to-source_code-ino}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:46395 particle: Update a device to use the latest firmware via serial.
    $ particle flash --serial ${path-to-firmware-bin}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:65ec8 particle: Display a list of devices.
    $ particle list
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:d7333 particle: Log in or create an account for the Particle CLI.
    $ particle setup
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • particle:tldr:d9e02 particle: Create a new Particle project interactively.
    $ particle project create
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview