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paru: Display the `PKGBUILD` file of a package.
$ paru --getpkgbuild --print ${package_name}
try on your machine

The command "paru --getpkgbuild --print ${package_name}" is used in Arch Linux-based systems. It is invoked using the "paru" package manager utility, which is an AUR (Arch User Repository) helper, similar to "yay" or "aura".

This specific command has the following components:

  • "paru": It is the command to execute the "paru" package manager utility.
  • "--getpkgbuild": This option is used to retrieve the PKGBUILD file associated with a package from the AUR.
  • "--print": This option is used to display the contents of the retrieved PKGBUILD file.
  • "${package_name}": This is a placeholder variable that represents the name of the package for which you want to retrieve and display the PKGBUILD file. You need to replace "${package_name}" with the actual name of the package.

In summary, when you run this command (replacing "${package_name}" with an actual package name), it will use "paru" to download the PKGBUILD file for the specified package from the AUR and then print the contents of that PKGBUILD file to your terminal.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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