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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool paru. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Paru is a command line package manager tool for Arch Linux and its derivatives. It is a fork of the popular AUR helper, yay. The name "paru" stands for "Paranoid AUR".

Paru can be used to search, install, update, and remove packages from the Arch User Repository (AUR), as well as from the official Arch Linux repositories. It aims to provide a more secure and streamlined AUR experience.

Paru supports parallel package downloads, enabling faster installation and updates. It also includes dependency handling, allowing users to automatically resolve and install required dependencies.

One of the notable features of paru is its ability to recursively check updates for packages, including those installed from the AUR. This simplifies the process of keeping all installed packages up to date.

Paru is written in Rust, which ensures its efficiency, speed, and reliability. It is actively maintained and frequently updated to address any bugs or compatibility issues.

Overall, paru offers a user-friendly interface along with powerful features, making it an excellent choice for managing packages on Arch Linux systems.

List of commands for paru:

  • paru:tldr:18826 paru: Display the `PKGBUILD` file of a package.
    $ paru --getpkgbuild --print ${package_name}
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  • paru:tldr:58726 paru: Interactively search for and install a package.
    $ paru ${package_name_or_search_term}
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  • paru:tldr:6827e paru: Upgrade AUR packages.
    $ paru -Sua
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  • paru:tldr:6ed8b paru: Synchronize and update all packages.
    $ paru
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  • paru:tldr:7b124 paru: Download `PKGBUILD` and other package source files from the AUR or ABS.
    $ paru --getpkgbuild ${package_name}
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  • paru:tldr:a3399 paru: Get information about a package.
    $ paru -Si ${package_name}
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tool overview