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paru: Upgrade AUR packages.
$ paru -Sua
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The command "paru -Sua" is a pacman frontend command used in Arch-based Linux distributions. Here is the explanation of each component:

  • "paru" is a popular and feature-rich AUR (Arch User Repository) helper tool that makes it easier to search, install, and manage packages from both the official repositories and AUR.

  • "-S" is a flag used to install packages. It tells Paru to download and install the specified packages.

  • "-u" is a flag for updating the system packages. When used with "-S", it will also upgrade all packages to their latest versions.

  • "-a" is a flag that updates all system packages, including files that are already installed and up to date. This ensures all installed packages are upgraded to the latest available version.

In summary, the command "paru -Sua" tells Paru to update the system by upgrading all system packages, and then install any specified packages if needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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