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path: Set the path to one or more semicolon-separated directories.
$ path ${path\to\directory1 path\to\directory2 ---}
try on your machine

The command "path ${path\to\directory1 path\to\directory2 ---}" seems to be incomplete or incorrect. It appears to be trying to set the PATH environment variable with two directory paths, but it is not following the correct syntax. Here is the correct syntax for setting the PATH environment variable in various operating systems: In Windows:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\directory1;C:\path\to\directory2

This command appends the directories "C:\path\to\directory1" and "C:\path\to\directory2" to the existing PATH variable, separated by semicolons. In Linux or Unix-like systems:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory1:/path/to/directory2

This command appends the directories "/path/to/directory1" and "/path/to/directory2" to the existing PATH variable, separated by colons. Note that the actual directory paths should be replaced with the appropriate paths on your system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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