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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool path. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "path" command line tool is used to display or modify the current system or user paths in an operating system. In Windows, the path is a set of directories where the system looks for executing files or programs. By default, when a command is typed in the command prompt, the system checks each directory listed in the path in sequential order to find the corresponding executable. The "path" command, without any arguments, displays the current path setting of the system. Alternatively, the "path" command can be used with specific options to modify the path. This tool enables users to add or remove directories from the path, helping the operating system find the desired executable files efficiently without the need to specify the full file path every time. "path" is commonly used by system administrators or advanced users for managing the system's environment variables.

List of commands for path:

  • path:tldr:6f33f path: Set the path to one or more semicolon-separated directories.
    $ path ${path\to\directory1 path\to\directory2 ---}
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  • path:tldr:8ab65 path: Append a new directory to the original path.
    $ path ${path\to\directory};%path%
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  • path:tldr:a1620 path: Set command prompt to only search the current directory for executables.
    $ path ;
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  • path:tldr:d6fe1 path: Display the current path.
    $ path
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