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path: Set command prompt to only search the current directory for executables.
$ path ;
try on your machine

The command "path ;" is used in command line interfaces like Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, and it is used to append a semicolon (;) to the existing values of the PATH environment variable. The PATH environment variable is a list of directory paths that the operating system uses to search for executable files when you type a command. When you run a command, the operating system scans through each directory listed in the PATH variable from left to right until it finds the executable file associated with the command. Appending a semicolon (;) to the PATH variable allows you to add more directories to the existing list without removing the existing values. This is useful when you want to include specific directories that contain executables or scripts that you want to be able to run from anywhere in the command line interface. For example, if the current PATH variable is set as: C:\Windows\system32 Running the command "path ;C:\myfolder" would add "C:\myfolder" to the list, making the updated PATH variable: C:\Windows\system32;C:\myfolder After making this change, any executables or scripts within the "C:\myfolder" directory can be run directly from the command line without having to provide the full path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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