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pdf-parser: Display objects of type `/Font` in a PDF file.
$ pdf-parser --type=${-Font} ${filename-pdf}
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This command is likely intended to be executed in the command line or terminal. Let's break it down:

  • pdf-parser is the name or path to the executable program being invoked.
  • --type=${-Font} is an option or flag passed to the pdf-parser program. It specifies the type of object to be extracted or analyzed from the PDF file.
  • ${-Font} is a parameter or placeholder for the specific object type, in this case, a font. The ${} syntax suggests this might be a variable being substituted with a value.
  • ${filename-pdf} is another parameter or placeholder representing the filename of the PDF file to be parsed. Similarly, this could be a variable to be replaced with the actual filename.

To summarize, the command is utilizing a program called pdf-parser to extract or analyze font objects from a PDF file specified with the variable ${filename-pdf}. However, without knowing the context and purpose of this command, the specific values of the parameters can't be determined.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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