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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdf-parser. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PDF-parser is a command-line tool designed to extract and analyze the internal structure of PDF documents. It provides in-depth insights into the inner workings of PDF files, making it useful for security professionals, forensic analysts, and researchers. PDF-parser allows for easy extraction of metadata, text, images, and embedded files from PDFs, facilitating the extraction of valuable information from these documents. The tool highlights the various objects and streams within a PDF file, providing a clear understanding of its structure and organization. It also offers the ability to examine JavaScript and other executable code present in the PDF, helping to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities. PDF-parser can be used to identify any compression or encryption techniques used in a PDF and even attempts to reconstruct and analyze corrupted files. The tool is highly customizable, allowing users to specify various filters and options to tailor the analysis according to their requirements. It supports both interactive mode, where users can extract specific parts of the PDF on the go, and batch mode, which enables automated analysis of multiple PDF files. PDF-parser is written in Python, making it platform-independent and easy to use on different operating systems. Overall, PDF-parser is a powerful and versatile tool that provides extensive capabilities for analyzing and extracting data from PDF documents, making it an essential asset for PDF forensics and security analysis.

List of commands for pdf-parser:

  • pdf-parser:tldr:26f55 pdf-parser: Display statistics for a PDF file.
    $ pdf-parser --stats ${filename-pdf}
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  • pdf-parser:tldr:d4442 pdf-parser: Search for strings in indirect objects.
    $ pdf-parser --search=${search_string} ${filename-pdf}
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  • pdf-parser:tldr:f63d1 pdf-parser: Display objects of type `/Font` in a PDF file.
    $ pdf-parser --type=${-Font} ${filename-pdf}
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