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pdfgrep: Find pattern on files that match a specific glob in the current directory recursively.
$ pdfgrep --recursive --include ${'*book-pdf'} ${pattern}
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The command "pdfgrep --recursive --include ${'*book-pdf'} ${pattern}" is used to search for a specific pattern in multiple PDF files.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "pdfgrep": This is the main command that is being executed. It is a tool designed to search text in PDF files.

  • "--recursive": This flag indicates that the search should be performed recursively, meaning it will search for the pattern in all subdirectories as well.

  • "--include ${'book-pdf'}": This flag is used to specify the type or format of the files to include in the search. In this case, it uses a wildcard pattern "${'book-pdf'}" to match any file name that ends with "book-pdf". For example, it would match "example-book-pdf.pdf" but not "example.pdf".

  • "${pattern}": This is the actual pattern or text string that you want to search for in the PDF files. You need to replace "${pattern}" with the specific pattern you are looking for.

By using this command, you can search for a specific pattern in multiple PDF files, including subdirectories, that match the wildcard type specified.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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