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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdfgrep. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pdfgrep is a command-line tool used for searching text in PDF files. It is designed to provide a similar experience to the popular grep tool but specifically tailored for PDF documents.

With pdfgrep, you can search for specific words, phrases, or regular expressions within the content of a PDF file, including the text in its body, headers, footers, and other metadata.

It supports both case-sensitive and case-insensitive search options, allowing you to control the sensitivity of the search. You can also specify the maximum number of pages to search within a PDF file, thereby limiting the search scope.

pdfgrep provides several output options, including displaying the matching lines along with their line numbers, or just the matching filenames, making it useful for quickly locating specific information within multiple PDF documents.

It uses the POSIX regular expression syntax for more advanced search patterns, allowing you to create complex queries to find specific patterns or words within the PDF content.

pdfgrep is written in C++, making it fast and efficient in processing large PDF files. It utilizes the Poppler library, which provides the capability to parse and extract text from PDF documents.

This tool is available for various Linux distributions and can be installed through package managers like apt, yum, or Snap. It is also available for macOS and Windows through third-party installations.

pdfgrep can be used from the command-line interface, making it suitable for scripting and automation purposes. It also integrates well with other command-line tools, allowing you to combine its functionality with other utilities.

Overall, pdfgrep is a powerful and flexible tool that facilitates searching text within PDF files efficiently, making it a valuable asset for tasks involving PDF document analysis, data extraction, or information retrieval.

List of commands for pdfgrep:

  • pdfgrep:tldr:27804 pdfgrep: Find pattern in files with a `.pdf` extension in the current directory recursively.
    $ pdfgrep --recursive ${pattern}
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  • pdfgrep:tldr:708c9 pdfgrep: Do a case-insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches.
    $ pdfgrep --max-count ${3} --ignore-case ${'^foo'} ${file-pdf}
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  • pdfgrep:tldr:b536d pdfgrep: Include file name and page number for each matched line.
    $ pdfgrep --with-filename --page-number ${pattern} ${file-pdf}
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  • pdfgrep:tldr:b611e pdfgrep: Find lines that match pattern in a PDF.
    $ pdfgrep ${pattern} ${file-pdf}
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  • pdfgrep:tldr:c20bd pdfgrep: Find pattern on files that match a specific glob in the current directory recursively.
    $ pdfgrep --recursive --include ${'*book-pdf'} ${pattern}
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