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pdfinfo: Specify owner password for PDF file to bypass security restrictions.
$ pdfinfo -opw ${password} ${filename-pdf}
try on your machine

This command is a shell command that will use the program "pdfinfo" to obtain information about a PDF file. The command has the following components:

  • "pdfinfo": This is the name of the program that will be executed. It is typically found in the package "poppler-utils" on Linux systems.

  • "-opw": This option is used to specify the owner password of the PDF file. The owner password is a type of password that allows for full access to the PDF, including modifying it. The "${password}" placeholder should be replaced with the actual owner password. If the PDF file does not have an owner password, this option can be omitted.

  • "${filename-pdf}": This is a placeholder for the name or path of the PDF file that you want to get information about. It should be replaced with the actual file name or path.

To summarize, when this command is executed, it will run the "pdfinfo" program, provide the owner password (if necessary), and specify the PDF file for which information is desired. The program will then extract and display various details about the PDF, such as its title, author, page count, page size, and more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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