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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pdfinfo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pdfinfo is a command line tool used for extracting information about PDF files. It is a part of the poppler-utils package and available on Linux systems.

The tool provides various details about a PDF file such as title, author, subject, keywords, creator, producer, creation date, modification date, number of pages, page size, and file size.

To use pdfinfo, you simply need to provide the path to the PDF file as an argument. It will then display the extracted information in the terminal.

Pdfinfo is particularly useful in scenarios where you need quick access to metadata about a PDF file without actually opening it in a PDF viewer.

The tool also allows for batch processing, enabling you to extract information about multiple PDF files at once.

Besides extracting metadata, pdfinfo also provides additional information about each page in the PDF file, including dimensions, rotation, and whether it is tagged or encrypted.

Furthermore, if the PDF file contains annotations, pdfinfo can display their details as well.

The output of pdfinfo is human-readable, making it convenient for scripting and automation purposes.

Pdfinfo is widely used by developers, sysadmins, and users who work with PDF files and need to gather information about them efficiently.

Overall, pdfinfo offers a simple yet powerful way to quickly access metadata and other relevant details from PDF files directly from the command line.

List of commands for pdfinfo:

  • pdfinfo:tldr:2a224 pdfinfo: Print PDF file information.
    $ pdfinfo ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pdfinfo:tldr:af2fc pdfinfo: Specify user password for PDF file to bypass security restrictions.
    $ pdfinfo -upw ${password} ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
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  • pdfinfo:tldr:d9e05 pdfinfo: Specify owner password for PDF file to bypass security restrictions.
    $ pdfinfo -opw ${password} ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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