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pdfjoin: Merge two PDFs into one with the default suffix "joined".
$ pdfjoin ${filename1-pdf} ${filename2-pdf}
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The command you provided is used to join or merge two PDF files together into a single PDF file. Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • pdfjoin: This is the command or program that you are running. It is a tool used to combine PDF files.
  • ${filename1-pdf}: It is a placeholder or variable representing the first PDF file you want to join. You should replace ${filename1-pdf} with the actual filename and its corresponding file extension, such as file1.pdf.
  • ${filename2-pdf}: Similar to the first placeholder, this represents the second PDF file you want to merge. You should replace ${filename2-pdf} with the actual filename and file extension like file2.pdf.

To use the command successfully, you need to replace ${filename1-pdf} and ${filename2-pdf} with the actual names of the PDF files you want to join.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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